The basis of PhilStic Labels has always been firmly founded on New Zealand’s primary sector. From day one, manufacturers in the animal health and crop protection industries have been our clients and partners.
For this reason, in 1994 Phil Fewings (the founder of PhilStic Labels) chose for PhilStic to become members of the New Zealand Agricultural Chemical Manufacturers’ Federation. This later was renamed the Agricultural Chemical and Animal Remedy Manufacturers Association (or AGCARM for short) and in 2022 became the Animal and Plant Health Association of New Zealand Incorporated (APHANZ).
Helen Fewings (Phil’s daughter and now Managing Director of PhilStic) says, “For 29 years we have honestly wanted to support [APHANZ] because we believe in their ethos and core values.”
A recent driving force behind APHANZ has been chief executive Mark Ross. After a mammoth contribution of eight and a half years, Mark stepped down at the 2023 annual conference. Mark now joins the Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association. APHANZ’s loss is their gain.
As well as his many career achievements at APHANZ, Mark managed to leave on a high as the winner of the PhilStic mini golf round, held during the conference! The mini golf is a wonderfully light-hearted event enjoyed by all, and Mark was a popular winner on the day.
Congratulations on an amazing eight and a half years, Mark. You will be missed.
Bart Mann (PhilStic General Manager) presents Mark Ross (APHANZ Chief Executive) with the PhilStic mini golf trophy.
Looking on is APHANZ President, Gavin Kerr.